
I've been writing online since 2016, mostly about web development. In total, I've written 38 articles on this site. Use the search below to filter by title. They've been viewed a total of 659,096 times.

Joost van den Vondel's correspondence

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An experiment with GenAI to automate manual tasks in creating a critical edition of Joost van den Vondel's correspondence.

Is creativity nothing more than a little randomness?

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By using the randomness, AI can generate more surprising and engaging text, similar to how some human thinkers benefit from unconventional approaches. This post explores the concept of randomness in AI and its implications for creativity.

Analyzing GPT-4 Tokens

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For this article I used Llama3 to analyze GPT-4 tokens, revealing a strong bias towards English and code.

AI and the Complexity of Code

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Large Language Models like ChatGPT and CoPilot have a dual role in simplifying and complicating software development. Using a simple experiment this post explores how LLMs often lead to an increase in code complexity.

Displaying Aranet4 CO2 readings on my website

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Tutorial on how to display real-time CO2 measurements from an Aranet4 monitor on my website using a Raspberry Pi.

Elder Race, book review

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I read "Elder Race" by Adrian Tchaikovsky, a sci-fi novel that explores the concept that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Rising Temperatures in The Netherlands

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Visualizing the weather anomalies in rainfall, sunshine and temperature in the Netherlands using data from the Dutch Meteorological Institute (KNMI).

Why I Prefer Trunk-Based Development

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Moving away from the structured Git Flow to a more continuous approach with only one main branch.

Accessible router links in Angular

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About the routerLink directive and how to make sure it's accessible

Progressively enhanced dark mode

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Adding a dark theme to my website using NextJS 13 and React Server Components

AI Enhanced Learning

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How to use AI to create personalized learning experiences

Why a plant-based diet is a good idea

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My arguments in favor of eating less meat.

Guest post by ChatGPT

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I asked ChatGPT to write a blog post about its impact on the way developers write code. The contents might surprise you.

Reading Notes Regenesis

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Regenesis: Feeding the World without Devouring the Planet. By George Monbiot.

Plotting the age of parliament with Livebook

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A tutorial for Livebook, an interactive coding notebook for the Elixir programing language.

New Job at Rabobank

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Some career news! Today I'm joining Rabobank as a frontend lead for the Wholesale & Rural Innovation department.

Phoenix LiveView Cursors

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Part 2 of my tutorial creating "live cursors" as seen in Figma. In this tutorial, I'll be using Phoenix LiveView to create the same feature.

On returning to the office

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Some advice from the Stoic philosopher Seneca for workers returning to the office after the pandemic.

Live user cursors with Phoenix Presence

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A tutorial for creating live cursors as seen in Figma. A step-by-step guide focused on beginners (I'm learning Phoenix myself).

Clean code is a phase

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Why it's better to be kind than to be clean.

Adding Tailwind CSS to a Phoenix project

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With the official mix task it has become very easy to add Tailwind to any Phoenix project. To make it even more straightforward I've written this quick step-by-step guide.

React components should read like a book

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How the ordering of functions can make component files easier to read.

One command to run it all

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Why mocking all external requests for your app is worth it.

Of Bundles and Barrels

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Why index barrel files can lead to large bundle sizes

Code Colocation is King

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A simple principle to help structure code better

Using Svelte to create a scroll video effect

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Tutorial on how to create a scroll video effect using Svelte’s powerful bind command.

Programming quotes

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A collection of great programming quotes


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A first look at the state management library mobx-state-tree and a comparison with Redux Saga.

303 See Other

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Last week I learned a few things about how redirects and 303 status codes are handled in the browser.

Accessible SVGs in React

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How to let screenreaders read the title of an SVG using React

Brutalist CSS

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196 bytes of minimal CSS

Forgit me nots

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Git commands I keep forgetting

Reading notes Programming TypeScript

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Stuff I don't want to forget from the Book Programming TypeScript.

Using React Hooks with canvas

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An intro to the React hooks useState, useRef and useEffect

Reading notes Accelerate

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Accelerate gives a scientific analysis of what makes IT organizations successful. I've listed the most important ones (from a developer perspective)

Reading notes CSS In Depth

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Review of a book for programmers who have always considered CSS to be an (unpleasant) afterthought

API testing with Jest

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Testing async API calls using Jest’s mocking features

Generating PDF's with Express

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A fun little tutorial of how to create a PDF using a web form, Express and PDFKit