Progressively enhanced dark mode
Koen van Gilst / April 16, 2023
2 min read • ––– views
I made an interesting and somewhat disappointing discovery today. I wanted to add a progressively enhanced dark mode to my website using a cookie (for persisting the user preference) and the Sec-CH-Prefers-Color-Scheme
header. That way I could detect and select the correct color theme without using any client-side JavaScript. That seemed pretty cool and it works perfectly with the new NextJS 13 app folder and React Server Components.
There is, however, a catch. When I want to render my blog post routes NextJS shows the following error: Dynamic server usage: headers
. Since I was using headers in my root layout.tsx
it was not possible to statically generate my blog posts.
This makes sense of course: It's not possible to know ahead of time what kind of response the user is expecting since that depends on their headers/cookies.
Still, it's unclear to me what this means in terms of performance and costs. Will this mean that I opt out of any edge caching offered by Vercel? Will that make my website slow around the globe? Will it increase my server costs? It seems a pity that using something so fundamental to the web like a header or a cookie has so much impact on how a web framework behaves.