Support Ukraine banner

Add a stand with Ukraine banner using this TailwindCSS snippet

Support Ukraine banner

Show your support for Ukraine by adding this banner to your site. If you're using Tailwind on your site you can copy paste this html snippet. An example implementation for a React site can found in this pull request.

<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">
    className="bg-[#0066cc] text-white fixed flex items-center justify-center bottom-0 w-screen h-12 z-50"
    <span className="block md:hidden">
      <strong className="text-[#ffcc00]">Stand with Ukraine.</strong> Donate →
    <span className="hidden md:block">
      <strong className="text-[#ffcc00]">Stand with Ukraine.</strong>{' '}
      Petition your leaders. Show your support.