Posts about reading notes
There are 5 post(s) about the topic reading notes.
Reading notes Accelerate
––– viewsAccelerate gives a scientific analysis of what makes IT organizations successful. I've listed the most important ones (from a developer perspective)
Reading notes CSS In Depth
––– viewsReview of a book for programmers who have always considered CSS to be an (unpleasant) afterthought
Elder Race, book review
––– viewsI read "Elder Race" by Adrian Tchaikovsky, a sci-fi novel that explores the concept that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Reading notes Programming TypeScript
––– viewsStuff I don't want to forget from the Book Programming TypeScript.
Reading Notes Regenesis
––– viewsRegenesis: Feeding the World without Devouring the Planet. By George Monbiot.
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